My house is clean, the dishwasher is running, and both kids are napping. I’m sitting quietly at my desk enjoying a left over Polkatots red velvet cupcake from this past weekend. Don’t judge me, they’re incredible and well worth the lb’s.
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of hosting my sister in law’s baby shower with my dear MIL, Lynn and my outlaw sister, Emily. To lay it all out, we have been planning a beautiful blush pink shower with a Pineapple & Palm Frond theme for months now. Everything was set according to the Pinterest board Lynn used for our inspiration.
On Monday afternoon, mom to be, Jenna called to share that she just had her 32 week ultrasound. They were so thrilled to see their sweet baby girl growing right on track. Just before the tech was done, he smiled at the doting parents to be and told them, “congratulations on your very healthy baby boy!” Wait.....whaaaaaaattttt! To say Jenna and Jake were surprised is an understatement!

So, there we were, 5 days before the day of Jenna’s blush pink baby girl shower and we were trying to figure out how we could make Pineapples & Palm Fronds look just as cute in blue instead.
With so much last minute change, I am so thrilled that Lily from Sprinkled with Confetti could come all the way out to the valley to help a sista out!
Lily created the cutest photo area draped in various shades of blue and white balloons with an adorable “baby” balloon in gold that sat perfectly in the frame of every photo! She also created a beautiful blue backdrop in the living room area where Jenna opened all of her gifts. Lily handmade every sign, spray painted every last pineapple, and created the adorable pineapple label stands we used to introduce the ice cream bar.

I also consulted endlessly with the mommy BFF’s at Rose Grace and Garlands. We spoke in depth about the paper banners and wreath they created for Jenna’s shower. The turn around time was so quick; not just on the shipping but on the last minute change from pink’s to blue’s before they printed everything! How cute is this paper wreath that was created for our entry way door?!

And I cannot get over the attention to detail on everything they made including these adorable food labels.

We served Brunch which included a Bacon & Asparagus egg casserole that was to die for, spinach & egg strata, Lynn’s famous Kale Salad, fresh fruit, assorted sandwiches, and to top it all off.....chicken & waffles! This was all after I pumped everyone full of Blueberry Mojitos and LaCroix. Cheers to Baby Neumann!
Who doesn’t love a good baby shower with tons of cake?! We had Polkatots create the most adorable blue pull apart pineapple cupcake!

It was an incredible baby boy shower that we could not have pulled off without each other and the help of some professionals! Sweet baby boy Neumann, we are all totally excited to meet you! And I promise to stop calling you sweet baby girl Neumann.

Xoxo, DeAnna
Sprinkled with Confetti:
Party Decor: