Addison turning 5 came & went like a flash! I swear, every day this week I have thought about Addison's birthday party thinking it feels like it happened last year already! I caught myself staring at Addison yesterday admiring how beautiful she truly is & the fact that she really does look older! Something in her face has changed in what feels like just over night. Her hair looks darker. Her eyes look bigger. My baby isn't a baby anymore. Bring on the tears!
I know I shared some photos of Addison's Unicorn themed birthday party on my Instagram page but, much to my delight, many of you direct messaged me asking for more details!
It was such a fun day filled with so much love surrounded by some of our most favorite people! The only downfall was the rain...literally! It was a torrential downpour the entire morning! We had to get very creative entertaining 44 adults and children all contained in my kitchen & living room. Talk about cozy...

I could not do this party alone. I really cannot even take credit. My favorite, bad ass sister duo friends over at Good Carma Studio deserve all the credit. They are responsible for my adorable baby shower when I was pregnant with Addison, Addison's 1st birthday party, Austin's 1st birthday party, & now Addison's 5th birthday not to mention all the endless things they do! Hustler's, I tell ya! I am not super creative...if it were up to me, I would have ordered Papa John's & stuck the kids in a cage.
Addison is into Unicorn's these days so, Good Carma Studio took this theme & ran with it!
We did a Unicorn Baby adoption thanks to JC Toys where each child got to "adopt" their very own baby, name it, & take it home with them. It was adorable! I didn't think the little boys in attendance would love it but, they were all over it!!

Hasbro sent over adorable Disney Princesses for each child and Art 2 The Extreme sent over the most adorable Unicorn horn themed crayons for each child! They made the perfect centerpieces too!
Everyone devoured food from STONEFIRE Grill! We have used STONEFIRE for so many parties! We love this place! Their salads and tri tip come in handy with this mom is over cooking by the time Saturday night rolls around too! HA!

A huge thank you to Polkatots Cupcakes for the gorgeous unicorn themed cupcakes and cakes! Not to mention, for driving out to my house in the pouring rain to help a bunch of kids decorate unicorn themed cookies to take home! What a memory we will have forever! And cake...we are still eating the cake! Yum!

If that wasn't enough, we sipped on La Croix {a staple in my household} and wine from Consensio Cellars. Adults need to be celebrated too!
All the kids took home multiple favors, including my fav label's Mabel's Labels & customized JoliMoli backpacks. I also shoved popcorn and candy in every parents hands as they were leaving. Get em all jacked up and then send them on their way!

In all seriousness, it was a complete honor & joy to celebrate our favorite girl. Big birthday parties can be stressful. We will definitely not do a big party every year but, I do feel like we can pull it off for some monumental ones!

Happy Birthday to our sweet girl. The Big 5. Where has the time gone? You are so loved, Addison Marie!
Mommy {and Daddy}